Our world is undergoing a profound transformation at an unprecedented speed. The driving force behind this transformation in the world is technology: digital solutions change the way we think, live and work.
The Leading Trends of Digitalization
IT applications
crm, dwh, bpm, ppm, erp, oss
portals, webshops, selfcare, e-earning
social networking, mobile, sharing economy, big data, cloud
Digital (Omni)
new business models, new currencies, AI, robotics, automation
People need instant, real-time, personal, and relevant interactions regardless of space and time, whether they are shopping, having fun, relaxing, or working.
As a result, the behavior of people (be they customers, citizens, consumers, viewers, taxpayers, buyers, partners) has changed to an extent that no one can ignore. However, if someone tries to disregard this new environment, the ever-growing intensity and efficiency of global innovation and competition will eventually force them to adapt.
Digital transformation could be an exclusive roadmap for anyone to achieve and maintain a forefront position in their industry or sector. Digitalization affects a company’s entire organizational architecture and business model so profoundly that it can change almost all internal practices through new tech-driven solutions, cost savings or revenue growth.
Most people think that the US is far ahead in the digital transformation of the economy and society. However, we believe that the picture is not that plain and obvious, and there are much more complex and sophisticated aspects. We see revolutionary business models and products on both continents, so let us bridge the market gaps.